was die zukunft bringt

    Die Echsen waren noch primitive Kaulquappen, alls die Elfen schon gezaubert haben.
    Steht soger in den ganzen Regelbüchern, dass die Elfen das älterste aller Völker sind.
    Das Chaos is zwar glaub ich noch älter, aber die Echsen mit sicherheit nicht und die Magie erfunden, hat bitteschön immer noch das Chaos, weil die 8 Winde der Magie kommen immernoch aus dem Chaostor.

    Ich glaub weniger, dass es Sigmar sein wird, der ihn besiegt, sondern irgend ein neuer Imperator (hab ich oben schon erwähnt), der nur von Sigmar gesegnet wurde und der Komet bedeutet warscheinlich, dass dieser sich bald erheben wird, wenns so kommt.
    Vieleicht heists aber auch nur, dass Sigmar jetzt wirklich tot ist und zu den Göttern heimkehrt.
    Er is ja schlieslich auch nur ein Halbgott, der von den Göttern geschickt wurde (irgend wie erinnert mich die Geschichte an Herakles. Auch das Ende würde dann so reinpassen, schlieslich is Herakles mit einem Blitz in den Olymp aufgestiegen).
    Damit wäre dann wieder alles offen, aber wie gesagt, genauers werden wir wohl erst in 3 jahren (vorausichtliches Ende der Kampangie) erfahren.
    Nie und nimmer !!!
    Die Echsenmenschen waren die ersten Geschöpfe der alten und das noch vor dem Chaos !!!!
    Erst dann sind die alten Verschwunden etc.
    Story is bekannt ;)
    Kann ja das Armeebuch der Echsen mitnehmen , da kannst es dann nachlesen .
    Die Elfen sind zwar sehr alt , aber Echsen sind noch älter ...

    change it
    accept it
    or leave it.

    Am Ende ist alles nur ein Witz.
    Charlie Chaplin
    Ich will mich 1. nicht mit dir streiten.
    2. Steht in meinem Armeebuch auch drinnen, dass die Elfen das älteste Volk sind.
    3. Es steht auch im Zwergen AB drinnen, dass der Krieg des Barts nur ein Verteidigungskrieg war.
    4. Es is eh egal, weil es 1. out of Topic is und 2. wir damit auf keinen grünen Zweig kommen.
    @gitkull: es wird ein auserwählter sigmars sein. allerdings einer der aus dem osten kommt - meint tip.

    @the marce: nett1616 hat recht. die echsen sind bei weitem das älteste volk. sie waren diener der alten. lange vor ein elf aufrecht gehen konnte...

    And with the final triumph of Chaos all life will decay into a seething mass of lost and screaming
    souls, eternally enduring the forms thrust upon them by the uncaring gods of Chaos.

    Mortals despair, the Realm of Chaos has begun.

    Naja , also wenn es so weitergeht , und es sich wirklich
    viel ändert , geht Kislev unter , das imperium wird
    verkleinert . Die Hochelfen und Dunkelelfen werden
    ihren Krieg weiterführen .
    Die Zwerge und Echsenmenschen werden sich auch dem
    Chaos in die Quere stellen .
    Und wenn es hart kommt werden Bretonia und
    die Überreste des Imperiums EIN Reich .
    Und Luthor Huss KILLT Archaon .
    Also, dass das gerade Luthor Huss is, bezweifle ich SEHHHHR!!!!
    Aber ich mein, möglich is alles

    @Lord of Pian
    Danke, wusst ich nicht.
    Dann glaub ich auch, dass es da was neues aus dem Osten geben wird.

    Übrigens, ich bin mir nicht so sicher, ob Archon wirklich stirbt und nicht nur zurückgeschlagen wird und in die Chaoswüste flieht.

    Also wenn du das Armeebuch Imperium der aktuellen
    Edition gelesen hättest wüsstest du das da mit ihm noch
    ein paar sachen ungeklärt sind .
    Is nur eine Vermutung , aber wenn 2-schweifige Kometen
    im Imperium für grossen Aufruhr sorgen dann liegt
    es im Bereich des möglichen .
    Und er ist ein cooles Modell , also kann er sich Archaon
    mal kurz hernehmen .
    Ja, er heißt Archaon.....
    Im Übrigen sieht das alte Modell von ihm zum Kotzen aus, zum Glück haben sie das nicht übernommen :rolleyes:
    Prinzipiell denke ich mir dass sich am Hintergrund nichts übermäßig ändern wird (zB eine Nation wird komplett vernichtet) da GW auf keines seiner Völker (und damit Einnahmequellen) verzichten will...vorstellbar wäre ein großer Krieg gegen das Chaos mit viel Tamtam bei dem evtl. Cathay auf den Plan tritt aber am Ende wird es doch wieder zurückgejagt und die Alte Welt ist gerettet
    hier ein erstklassiger post zu dem thema:

    Just got back from Games Day
    Gamesday was pretty good this year, but not as good as last year. The Chaos Champion they give you when you register doesn?t have all the parts they showed in the White Dwarf. You only get the bald head and hand holding the Elf. They did throw in a pack of the 40K card game, a copy of Skirmish rules and the Last Alliance rule book, so I guess I can?t complain too much. On with the good stuff:

    The display case was very disappointing this year. I?m really not a whiner and I hate to bring up last year again, but a year ago I saw High Elves, Skaven, Tau, Kroot and Chaos Marauders. This year they had Chaos, everything you?ve seen on the web, in White Dwarf and the poster that?s out now, Chaos 40K and they even had Necrons on display. I could have gone to my local store to check them out. Another thing that made me laugh was they had all the figures you?ve seen from the Skirmish articles in White Dwarf on display with a big sign saying ?No Pictures?. Ok, ok, I?m done ranting. Here?s the good stuff:

    They had the three ups of the warriors and they looked pretty cool. They were skeletons (duh), but they had Egyptian style helmets, sandals on their feet, tabards and square Egyptian like shields. One was an archer, so you will get bowmen. They doing something interesting with this regiment and I?ll cover that in the seminar section below.

    Bone Giant ? you?re either going to love this guy or hate him. It looks like it comes with three different heads. The one that was on him had a sort of Roman Legionnaire helmet on. Then there two separate ones sitting next to the model, one with an Egyptian head dress kind of thing and another that was just the skull. The skull looks the same for all three and when I first saw them I thought of a baboon. It?s not a bad thing, but his jaw is a bit elongated and he?s got two big curved fangs. The body is sort of hunched over and he has armor on his chest that?s made up of small metal squares. The arms and legs are bare bone with bindings on them. He had a scimitar in his right hand and a shield in his left.

    Giant Scorpion ? This was your typical big bug except it?s got a skull like head and also there?s a skull at the base of the stinger in it?s tale. Pretty big model, about the size of a dollar bill.

    Scorpion swarms ? I really liked these. It?s one piece of metal and molder onto it are about a dozen small scorpions scrambling over piles of bones. There were two different styles on display.

    I can?t recall the name of the next two models, but they looked like jackal headed and hawk headed warriors from the Mummy and Stargate. They were pretty tall, a good inch taller then the man sized figures.

    Fantasy Chaos
    Like I said, they had the whole range on display. One thing I did get from looking at them is they look a lot better in person that they do in the photographs. The Khorne mounted champion?s horse looks kind of odd and small in the pictures I?ve seen, but seeing it up close, it?s not that bad. It looks like you could bend it back a bit so it rearing up and it will look great. The Keeper of Secrets had the head that?s in the Army book with the mouth instead of the long snout.

    40K Chaos
    Obliterators ? They only had one on display, but it was stunning. He?s in terminator armor, but big like Abadon. The arms are bare flesh, but bursting (sort of like the Chaos Spawn) with chain saws and gun barrels. You could see both the pain and power in this model, I can?t wait until this fall.

    Raptors ? There were two of them and again, a wonderful job. They don?t have wings anymore, but have Jump packs. I couldn?t see what they looked like from behind, but there was an air scoop coming up over each shoulder. These were shaped sort of like a cathedral window, pointed at the top, then curved down to straight with a flat bottom. The grill in the helmet also had this shape. The feet are not claws like I?ve read in a few places, but more like the ones on a Tau Crisis suit.

    Havocs ? All five on display were metal, so I guess they?re not going to use the new plastic bodies with add ones like the Devastaters. They had Chaos versions of the regular SM heavy weapons.

    Chaos Lord ? They redid the old one. This guy is bald with a topknot and has a power claw on his right hand and a plasma pistol in his left.

    Plague Marines ? They had a bunch on display that looked really cool, but there was a sign next to them that said ?Conversions?, so they?re not the one?s that will be coming out.

    Night Lords ? They had the plastic CSM bodies, but metal winged helmets and jump packs.

    1K Sons ? They had their special helmets on and also tabards. There was also a 1K Sons sorcerer shown. I?m not sure if he?s going to come in the boxed set or separate.

    Possessed CSM ? This poor guy was still in most of his power armor, but had tentacles and other nasty things popping out here and there.

    Summer of Chaos Seminar

    I missed the first few minutes, so I didn?t get the name of the gentleman that was presenting. He did give out a lot of interesting information. First off was an overview of the whole Chaos invasion. This is going to change the Warhammer world in one way or another before it?s over. He brought up the thought that would the Dark Elves and High Elves still fight each other while the invasion was on or maybe band together. Maybe the Empire and Bretonia will become allies to stop the threat. Anyway, the next few army books will reflect any changes brought on by the Chaos hordes pouring down from the north. There will be someone or something called the Champion of Light that will be showing up a few White Dwarfs from now that is supposed to be a prophesied savior. Beasts of Chaos came up briefly and it was confirmed that you would be able to use both army books in unison. Also that the Beastmen will be more of an ambush type army instead of a field of battle type one. This is because Beastmen warbands generally stay around the forests that they?re from. An interesting bit of info he offered was that there was going to be a war machine in the Hordes of Chaos book (some sort of living bombard he called it), but they couldn?t get a concept drawing or test model made that anyone liked.

    Khemri was up next. There will be three plastic regiment sets, skeleton warriors, skeleton cavalry and a set of three chariots. The skeletal horses are the same ones they?ve had for years, but the chariots look like the ones from the Ten Commandments and not the old bone ones. They showed pictures of the Tomb King, but it was blurry so I couldn?t get a real good look (sorry). The Skull Chucker catapult has been totally redesigned. It?s much bigger and has two skeletal animals (looked like big dogs) as the base of the two up rights with a cross beam at the top. The arm of the catapult was made of bone and had a clawed hand where the skulls to be launched go. It was mentioned that for a extra cost, you can use the heads of your current foe as ammo. The magic system that will be used is different, but I didn?t quite catch all of it because the jackass that was sitting behind me decided he had to unwrap a candy bar right then and there. Something about no miss fires and I think what ever you roll is the spell you have to cast. If you roll a 7 them you have to use a 7 spell. At least that?s what it sounded like he said, my new buddy behind me was making smacking noises right about then. The last thing to come up was the new add on sprue for the skeleton regiment. This will have all the parts to change the regular skeletons into Khemri troops. He said that they really liked how this was working, starting with the Space Wolves sprue, and were going to be making these for all of the current plastic regiments as well as new ones in the next few years. This will allow for new troop types as well as making several of the same regiment look unique and different.

    Lizardmen minis are going to be completely redone. He said the Sauruses will all look more muscular and the Skinks more athletic. He wouldn?t use the word dinosaurs, but said there will be several large monsters for this army. You will be able to have a Saurus General to lead your army if you don?t want a Slann, but if you do have a Slann in it, there will be several different levels of power available.

    Chaos Dwarves came up, but only that they are looking into making them different from the old ones. Kislevites will be returning, but not in the way you?d expect, as he put it. After the next three army books are out there will be a Siege rule book published. He wouldn?t give out the order of the next books or when they?d be out, but did say that any update to the rules will still incorporate these new batch of army books. He said that if they felt an army book needed updating, that they would put out a new one, but all 6th Ed army books will work with all future revisions of Warhammer.

    That?s all I can think of right now, if I think of anything else I?ll be sure to post it. My kid's downstaris putting together the Sauron
    figure he picked up and has probably super glued his fingers together by now.

    quelle: portent
    verfasser: vorlon
    And with the final triumph of Chaos all life will decay into a seething mass of lost and screaming
    souls, eternally enduring the forms thrust upon them by the uncaring gods of Chaos.

    Mortals despair, the Realm of Chaos has begun.
    Ich habe gerade durch Zufall die letzte Seite des Rgelbuchs aufgeschlagen. Ich könnte mir auch vorstellen, dass Sigmar höchst persönlich Archon den Arsch versohlt.
    Denn es steht geschrieben:
    "Und so ging der heilige Sigmar, mächtigster aller Krieger
    Größter der Menschen, weiser Herrscher
    Den Weg in die Legende, nicht wieder gesehen
    Bis zur Zeit, wenn er zurückkehrt,
    Den Hammer in seiner Hand,
    Um der Menschheit den Sieg zu bringen.
    Im Zeichen des zweischweifigen Himmelsdrachen."

    Dieser Himmelsdrache hört sich für mich wie die 2 gesichteten Kometen an. Aber ob GW um so viele Ecken deckt?? Wer weiß,vielleicht gibt es ja tatsächlich hohen Besuch. ;) ;) ;)
    The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife
    48th rule of acqusition
    Ich sag euch was passiert. Also es ist mal wieder grad so ein mächtiger Krieg am laufen, gegen das Chaos oder so. In dem Moment landen ein paar Space Marines die die ganzen Aliens und Häretiker auslöschen. Die Brets und das Imperium betn von nun an den Imperator an und das wars dann. Oder sie landen halt nicht. Also das Chaos wird immer mächtiger und es währe irgendwie angebracht wenn sich das Imperium und die Woodies türlich noch die Zwerche und eventuell die HE verbünden, aber daran glaube ich nicht. Die hassen sich alle zu sehr. Allerding sind Brets und Woodies schon verbündet und solange die Brets noch ihre gefürchtete Marine haben kann nichts schief gegen. Das Imperium wird schwer haben über das Graue Gebirge ne Invasion zu machen, vorallem haben die ohnehin genug mit dem Chaos zu tun wo die Tiermenschen schon vor der Tür in den Wäldern hocken. Also das Imperium wird mal als erstets untergehen oder halt Kislev und dann der Rest allerdings war da nicht so Fluff mit dem Krieger des Lichts der kommen soll um sich dem Chaoscheffe zu stellen der da kommt im nächsten großen Krieg? Also ich würde da auf einen Bretonen tippen, das passt irgendwie...
    So, nicht böse sein, aber ich hab jetzt von dem ganzem genau nix verstanden.
    Aber ehrlich gesagt finde ich es nach reichlichen Überlegungen auch absolut sinnlo darüber zu Diskutieren, weil es eh föllig egal is, weil wir es früher oder später eh noch erfahren werden und das letzte Wort hat halt immer noch GW, deshalb find ich diese Diskusion absolut useless.
    yep, und die reden von DREI JAHREN. allerdings soll der streiter des lichts bald (in einem der nächsten WD) kommen...

    And with the final triumph of Chaos all life will decay into a seething mass of lost and screaming
    souls, eternally enduring the forms thrust upon them by the uncaring gods of Chaos.

    Mortals despair, the Realm of Chaos has begun.