Purity Seal ??? english question

      Purity Seal ??? english question

      Hallo guys

      For those who know things in austria I have question concerning "purity seal" of OTHER brands....

      I need purity seal but not citadel;

      does anyone uses another type? if so,

      which brand do you recomend thats it is sold here in Austria?
      which chain of stores can I find it?
      How is the name of that type of products in german?

      RE: Purity Seal ??? english question


      you`re most likely looking for some sort of clear varnish spray. The german translation for this sort of product is Klarlack (Matt) whereas matt means not glossy.

      You can get it in hardware stores like

      Try to search the forums for theses words to get some brandnames. I work with Duplicolor

      Mein Tabletop blog

      "These are called bolters. Point the loud end at the enemy."
      Dark Eldar slavesnares: Nothing says 'you're coming with us' like a load of supersonic meathooks...."


      Well i usually use the stuff from GW, but if you're looking for something similar, try the CONRAD - stores. Link

      Among other things they sell colors for painting model cars and airplanes, and they also have varnish.

      Just be careful because the stores usually don't have everything in stock that you see on their website.
