[27.09.2014] H.É.T. Team Tournament in Ungarn

      [27.09.2014] H.É.T. Team Tournament in Ungarn

      Lorand hat mich gebeten, ein Teamturnier in Ungarn (Nähe Budapest) am 27.09.2014 anzukündigen.

      Genauere Infos gibts unter diesem Link.

      Das Turnierformat:

      • 12 teams of 3 (36 players) - Players must register as a team of 3 players that are all present.
      • Steamroller 2014 rules (privateerpress.com/organized-play/steamroller-tournaments)
      • Each player fields 42-point lists
      • Appendix Rules: Divide and Conquer (1), Death Clock (60 minutes on each player’s clock, deployment time is on the clock, only judges may pause the clock)

      Special Team Rules:

      • Members of the team do NOT need to play the same faction, nor are there character restrictions between the lists of two separate players though each individual player must still conform to the list building and character restriction requirements of Steamroller
      • Each team must consist of 3 players, a captain and two others. Members of the team will be listed on the team roster as Captain, 1st Lt, and 2nd Lt.
      • Teams will be matched against other teams each round. Each member of the team plays a single game against a single opponent from the opposite team of his/her same rank – the captains will play each other, the 1st lieutenants will play each other, etc.
      • Team Feat: Once during the tournament, after reviewing matchups but before starting rolls are made, the Team Captain may change the ranks of two players on his team for purposes of determining that round’s match-ups. Priority for use of the team feat is determined by a 3D6 roll off between Captains – winner chooses order of declaration. Declaration of “no feat” is binding even if the other team declares use of their feat afterwards.
      • The team wins or loses as a whole based on the results of the individual games. The team that wins the majority of individual games wins the team match. If the result of the match is a tie, the result of the game between captains (or those temporarily designated as captains if the team feat was used) will be used to break the tie. If that game is also a tie, then the result of the match stands as a tie.
      • Final standings are based on the team W/L/T record. In the event of two teams with a similar W/L/T record, the tie will be broken first on team strength of schedule, then on total Control Points scored by members of the team, then by total opponent army points destroyed by members of the team. If we still can’t solve it there, you’ll just have to play one more round or arm wrestle for it or something.