Season XXXIV - Spieltag 3 (27.10. - 16.11.)

      Season XXXIV - Spieltag 3 (27.10. - 16.11.)

      Runde 3 (27.10.-16.11.)

      Division Abstrakt
      The Moods Of Thunder (Mr.Bombardi) vs They are dead, Jim! (Ryder)
      Lustria Lizards (Stephan1081) vs Glamourwood Sparklers (Nugo)
      Dûr-las Khowboys (Tok_Janne) vs No Block No Rock (Zweifler)
      Sargfabrik (Kruzhnash) vs Villains & HerOrcs (Lunatic_Machine)

      Division Bizarr
      Har Ganeth Widowmakers (Tùrin) vs [BBAA] bone to be wild (bamfuzi)
      Naughty Nautical Northmen (Shizo.1st) vs Blackhills Bravehearts (derfels)
      4 mummies of the nufflepocalypse (shlominus) vs Smoerebroed Smugglers (outcaarst)
      Creedence Chaos Revival (borgor) vs Satzberg-Katzen (spitsens)

      Old Stars (guardons) vs Rock'n Roll is not dead (Smaug)
      "Know the rules, rule the game"

      Schnitzelbowl VII - Most Touchdowns (Ein Quantum Frost - Wood Elves)
      Sieger BBAA Saison 2013/2014 (Montezumas Rächer - Lizardmen)
      Zweiter BBAA Saison 2019/2020 (Cyrill Crusaders - Bretonian)

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von „outcaarst“ ()

      Hi, it´s us in the next round.

      How about one of the next Wednesdays?
      Next one is a national holiday... i need to check if anything is planned in the family, but evenings are mostly good on Wednesday
      Murphy´s Law:
      Was schief gehen kann geht schief.
      Wenn du einen 2+ Rüstungswurf hast, wirfst du mit Sicherheit eine 1!

      WHFB: fast alles :)
      WaMa/Hordes: Circle/Skorne/Khador
      BloodBowl: zu viele

      zweifler schrieb:

      Hi, it´s us in the next round.

      How about one of the next Wednesdays?
      Next one is a national holiday... i need to check if anything is planned in the family, but evenings are mostly good on Wednesday

      Hi @zweifler,
      I have a mostly open schedule so you can select a time and date. I live in Klosterneuburg so I am open to play at WOW or at my place, whichever is easier for you.

      Season XXXIV - Spieltag 3 (27.10. - 16.11.)

      Tok_Janne schrieb:

      zweifler schrieb:

      Hi, it´s us in the next round.

      How about one of the next Wednesdays?
      Next one is a national holiday... i need to check if anything is planned in the family, but evenings are mostly good on Wednesday

      Hi @zweifler,
      I have a mostly open schedule so you can select a time and date. I live in Klosterneuburg so I am open to play at WOW or at my place, whichever is easier for you.

      Sounds fine! So how about Wednesday (2nd Nov)? I have courses here until 5pm, so i could be in The club approx at 7pm. :)

      Greets Michael

      Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
      Murphy´s Law:
      Was schief gehen kann geht schief.
      Wenn du einen 2+ Rüstungswurf hast, wirfst du mit Sicherheit eine 1!

      WHFB: fast alles :)
      WaMa/Hordes: Circle/Skorne/Khador
      BloodBowl: zu viele

      doubter schrieb:

      Tok_Janne schrieb:

      doubtful schrieb:

      Hi, it's us in the next round.

      How about one of the next Wednesdays?
      Next one is a national holiday... i need to check if anything is planned in the family, but evenings are mostly good on Wednesday

      Hi @zweifler ,
      I have a mostly open schedule so you can select a time and date. I live in Klosterneuburg so I am open to play at WOW or at my place, whichever is easier for you.

      Sounds fine! So how about Wednesday (2nd Nov)? I have courses here until 5pm, so I could be in the club approx at 7pm. :)

      Greets Michael

      Sent from iPhone using Tapatalk

      Sounds good. I'll see you at the club on Wednesday around 7pm!
      Nächsten Mittwoch geht sich von meiner Seite leider nicht aus. Wie sähe es stattdessen am Freitag 11.11. aus?
      primär historisches in 15mm (Schottland so weit das Auge reicht)
      in FOG terms: Swordsman, Bow*
      langsamer Maler

      WoW/Keepers-Altpräsident und für die Idee begeistert, eine Carrerabahn im ganzen Clublokal zu installieren
      Game "No Block no rock" - "Dûr-las Khowboys"

      Fans that visited to game = 10.000 (good start) with good weathejr around

      The Norse take the offense and push some Linemen around and are able to knock down the troll. The ball is taken by the Valkyre and a "cage" is being built up. The next three rounds i loose 1 Linemen each as CAS to the chaos linemen, the big ones are mainly stunning my players. Doesn´t look too good in turn 5 as i am missing 5 players already (2KO plus 3CAS) and only 2KO of the Chaos renegades... i manage to push the DE to the side and to blitz another Lineman to the ground to enable the Valkyr to dodge away from the troll and then run into the endzone.... 1:0
      My KO are all coming back, the same for his KO so three players down and still 3 rounds for scoring. The kick goes near the DE and he decides to Blitz with the Rat ogre for clearing one side. He moves two linemen to the Blitzer on the left side and then starts a three dice block against him. with the help of Nuffle the Rat Ogre blocks himself with a triple skull. So no picking up of the ball. Turn 7 and i am making some littel pressure on the DE near the ball. Still keep enough players in the backfield. I manage to get another player off the field with a KO. His 7th round sees him trying something odd. He tries to pass with the DE as he is too far away with him for scoring. So he Blitzes the Berserker again with the rat ogre, pushing him Twice, while marking two additional norse players. One chaos lineman is running in scoring distance and another one secures the line for moving for my players. Then the DE players... running two additional fields then passing over 6 fields and the lineman catching the pass..
      Now my 8th round... Blocking one Lineman BH but no way of easily reaching the ball carrier. i am moving the boar (dodging on 2+ is nice) through some tackle zones to the ball carrier marking some other players, blocking another player stunned, then making a block with a norse lineman against the Rat oger (2D against the lineman, but i have block...) pushing the Rat ogre... not enough, so i am doing that again with the second available lineman... and another push. By this now the Berseker can reach the ball carrier and with 1 GFI (first Block - 2D) he manages to get the Callcarrier down and KO. Ball jumps good into two tackle zones. Valkyre marks another Chaos lineman that still could potentially reach the Ball. The Only way for a score is now dodge away from the Valkyre dodging into two Tackle zones, while taking the ball (2 Tackle zones) and then making two more Dodges to be able to reach the Endzone with 2GFI... making it short, first dodge failed (injured himself MNG).
      Second half and again offense for Chaos Renegades. The numbers are now loking a little bit better... as one KO for him stay out (inlcuding the 2 CAS) and i "only" have the three CAS out.
      Rat Ogre bloks a lineman in the middle and by this ends his turn besides the Yheti. He manages to take the ball with the DE player Blocks two other norse but is unable to get them to fall down. My turn one sees me taking the opportunity, Blocking the Rat Ogre with the Yheti and the Claws are doing their thing... so manages to get through the armor and then getting the Rat ogre out with a MNG.. he decides to use the apo but is not improving the result. I manage to get player by player KO or stunned at the Chaos renegades, and in Turn 4 manage to pin down the DE Ball carrier with three players Blitzer, Boar and Valkyre, preventing him from easily dodging and running into the endzone. He tries to support the Ball carrier to enable him to do a Blitz and then running away, but the neccessary dodge for reaching the support position fails, leaving the DE no free for a lot of blocks. Turn 5 and now it went really bad for Chaos renegades... the Ball carrier is blocked by the Berserker and already the first block sees the DE go down and drop the ball. the ball jumps to the Valyre and she is catching it! So the Valkyre (in own half) is running across the middle line being secured by the the pig plus one Lineman with the Berserker shortly behind. The troll is being marked on the other side of the pitch by a linman. The Yheti is satnding in the center of the field being a thread for all marking the orc. The ulfwerner is blitzing another lineman and sending him into the cas box. Not much to do, than trying risky steps.. the skaven tries to run around to threaten the Valkyre with 3 Field sidstance still after the movement. The Troll tries to block but again is stupid (third time this game), the De is moving nearby the Group in the middle.. still keeping distance. Not much more happening, i manage to blitz those that are able to reach the valkyre moving with the Valkyre near the endzone (securing her). And block some others... Having more players on the field now pays off... in Turn 8 then the TD and the final 2:0

      Could have gone the other way around easily, but turned in the middle of the first half. Block then finally paid off.
      Winnings 70K for Norse and 50K for Chaos renegades.. The Chaos renegades manage to fall down from 2 Fans to 1, while the fanbase of the norse stays stable.
      MVP at the Norse to the ulfwerner (getting block) and to lineman #12 at the renegades.
      The Norse have enough money now for the second Valkyre. while two Linemen will be missing next game (1 AG-1 and one NI)
      Murphy´s Law:
      Was schief gehen kann geht schief.
      Wenn du einen 2+ Rüstungswurf hast, wirfst du mit Sicherheit eine 1!

      WHFB: fast alles :)
      WaMa/Hordes: Circle/Skorne/Khador
      BloodBowl: zu viele

      Bamfuzi schrieb:

      Tùrin schrieb:

      @Bamfuzi Bist du beim Eurobowl und können wir es schaffen, unser Ligaspiel dort zu erledigen?

      nein, leider nicht. Ich könnte nächsten Mittwoch, wie schaut’s bei dir aus?

      Mittwoch geht jetzt doch, die andere Sache fiel aus. Hast du da noch Zeit?
      primär historisches in 15mm (Schottland so weit das Auge reicht)
      in FOG terms: Swordsman, Bow*
      langsamer Maler

      WoW/Keepers-Altpräsident und für die Idee begeistert, eine Carrerabahn im ganzen Clublokal zu installieren