Alle Bücher sind in bestem Zustand, einige noch eingeschweißt. Lieferung nach Österreich 5€, nach Deutschland 10€. Bei Interesse bitte pm
Stargrave (bundle price 30€)
Side Hustle (Sidequest Cards)
Stargrave Core Rules
Bold Eneavour
The Last Prospector
Lion Rampant Books (bundle price 45€)
Lion Rampant Core Book 2nd edition Hardcover
Xenos Rampant Core Book Hardcover
Dragon Rampant
The Crusader States
The Pikemans Lament
A Viking in the Sun
Frostgrave (german edition, bundle price 45€)
Frostgrave Core Rules
Malcors Labyrinth
Frostgrave Foliant
Das Erwachen des Lichlords
Finstere Pakte
In den Tiefen der Zuchtgruben
Stargrave (bundle price 30€)
Side Hustle (Sidequest Cards)
Stargrave Core Rules
Bold Eneavour
The Last Prospector
Lion Rampant Books (bundle price 45€)
Lion Rampant Core Book 2nd edition Hardcover
Xenos Rampant Core Book Hardcover
Dragon Rampant
The Crusader States
The Pikemans Lament
A Viking in the Sun
Frostgrave (german edition, bundle price 45€)
Frostgrave Core Rules
Malcors Labyrinth
Frostgrave Foliant
Das Erwachen des Lichlords
Finstere Pakte
In den Tiefen der Zuchtgruben