Malworkshop mit Meg Maples (Arcane Paintworks) in Wien [22.10.-23.10.2016]

      Malworkshop mit Meg Maples (Arcane Paintworks) in Wien [22.10.-23.10.2016]

      Meg Maples ( - ehemalige Haus- und Hof-Malerin von Privateer Press, Expertin für 2-Brush-Blending) tourt in 2016 durch Europa und wird auch Wien besuchen. Am 22. und 23. Oktober findet ein Workshop statt (wo genau, fixieren wir noch).

      Die Teilnehmerzahl wird voraussichtlich auf 15 begrenzt sein, die Kosten liegen voraussichtlich bei ~180-200€. Wir werden die auf dem "50 Washes of Grey" geknüpften Connections nutzen um hoffentlich ein paar Werbe-Goodies aufzutreiben, damit man vom Workshop nicht nur Techniken, sondern auch was zum Anfassen mit nach Hause nehmen kann.

      Tragt euch also schon mal den Termin ein und tut ruhig hier euer Interesse kund ;). So wie ich Updates bekomme, poste ich sie hier!
      Soda, alles fixiert:

      Für die Nicht-Facebooker:

      Austria Master Class
      October 22 & 23, 2016
      185€/person + 10€ fee for the venue space

      Instructor: Meg Maples
      Internationally recognized professional miniature painter, Meg used to work in the Privateer Press P3 Studio in Bellevue, Washington, USA. She has also worked for companies such as Reaper Miniatures, Dark Sword Miniatures, Freebooter Miniatures, Crunch-Waffle Enterprises, and most recently Demented Games on their Twisted range. She paints for collectors such as George R.R. Martin of Game of Thrones fame and Dave Gross of Pathfinder Tales. She has been painting since 2004 and has won over 20 international awards. Since 2013 she has been traveling around the world to teach painting classes and is now coming to Europe in Autumn 2016 for a Master Class Tour!

      Loeschenkohlgasse 34/1A
      1150 Wien

      Class Description:
      The Austria Master Class will be a 2 day event that includes 16 hours of painting instruction. Meg will be providing a miniature for each student. The actual model will is to be announced at a later date.

      The topics Meg will go over include but are not limited to the following:

      Day 1:
      Miniature Cleaning and Prep
      Proper Priming Techniques
      2 Brush Blending (a quick and efficient technique for smooth blends)-used in the Privateer Press P3 Studio on all studio models.
      Painting Faces and Eyes
      Color Theory-not a separate section but a hefty introduction will be provided throughout the class ensuring students get hands on experience with mixing and layering colors accompanied by explanation as to why it works.

      Day 2:
      Hair and Fur
      OSL (glowy bits)
      Basing materials
      True Metallic Metals

      Supply List (recommended)

      Painting lamp-preferably one with a fluorescent or daylight bulb. Bulbs that are too yellow or too blue distort the color of the paint.

      P3 paints (if you have them, they are best for 2 Brush Blending. Vallejo will also work for 2BB but will be more difficult. Reaper, GW and Scale 75 paint will not be easy to use with 2 brush blending.

      There are a few options. I use a Raphael 8404 Sable size 3 for blending and a Winsor and Newton Series 7 (standard not miniature sizes) size 2 for application and details.

      You can also use a size 2 and 3 from Rosemary & Co Artists Brushes series 22 (not 33).

      • You can get any good quality Red Sable Brushes as well in a size 2 and 3.

      • I do not recommend Games and Gears brushes for 2 Brush Blending as they are too soft and floppy.

      Dry well palette
      Sketchbook and pen for note taking
      Hair dryer (at least a couple for the class to share)
      Super glue
      Hobby knife
      White and Black Spray Primer for Zenithal Priming

      Other minis to practice techniques on that include a well sculpted and defined face, fur/hair, weapons or shields, something that can be turned into a glowy bit, lots of skin and wide open spaces such as shields or capes to practice blending. You can bring whatever scale of mini you like but I recommend between 28mm and 54mm for this class.

      In order to register for the class you will need to send in a payment to Meg for 185€ to one of the following:

      You can send payment through Paypal to

      Please also email me when you have sent payment in so I can check the accounts and confirm it has been received.

      The Venue has asked for 10€ per person so if every attendee could bring that with them in cash to pay directly to the venue that would be the easiest arrangement.

      It is a first come, first serve registration process and seating is limited to 15. Once payment is received, you will receive an email confirming the payment and the class you are signing up for. Your name will then be put on a roster that will be checked the day of class. The deadline for registration is September 2016.

      Please let me know if there are any questions.

      Es wird möglich sein, vor Ort Farben/Pinsel zu erwerben - einen Grundstock solltet ihr aber mitbringen :)
      Hier gibt's ein wenig mehr Infos zum Workshop:…e-2016-painting-tour.html

      Noch sind einige Plätze verfügbar, da aber schon weithin Leute Interesse bekundet haben würde ich euch raten, die Plätze bald zu registrieren. Auch für Meg ist die Planung einfacher wenn sich im Frühjar bereits einige angemeldet haben :)
      So wie ich es verstanden habe, ist der Platz mit Überweisung fixiert, ein "Reservieren" ist nicht möglich:

      In order to register for the class you will need to send in a payment to Meg for 185€ to one of the following [...]

      It is a first come, first serve registration process and seating is limited to 15.

      Ein frühes Überweisen ist für den Organisator natürlich immer ein Segen :)
      Hi Everyone,

      Meg here (just signed up for the forum)! Please let me know if you have any questions. I can't read or speak any form of German so if there are any questions getting them in English would be great.

      Right now we have 2 people actually signed up for the class. I see there is some interest via Facebook. I do need to collect payments in the next couple of months so I can sort out all of my accommodation and flights/trains around Europe.

      For those who may not be familiar with my work, here are a few things I've done and my current project.

      A personal project that was just for fun.

      Tywin Lannister, this was my first bust.

      Ariel from Guild of Harmony-she's won a few awards.

      Magneto which won a Crystal Brush in 2014

      And my current WIP is Random Encounter by FeR miniatures for a collector.