Advice on selling an army

      Advice on selling an army

      Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I do not speak any German so my navigation skills are non-existent.
      I have a winter themed German army and i am considering selling it and starting afresh with an army that can be used in many theaters of war. Snow in Normandy! In June!
      So I am asking for what would be considered a fair price and I suppose more importantly, is anyone interested?
      The army is mostly FOW with some Skytrex, Peter Pig and Kerr & King.
      It comes with a steel case, SS Totenkopf tokens and Litko flame markers.
      I am based in Salzburg.
      Better photos can be provided if anyone is bothered :)
      • infantry2.jpg

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      • panzer.jpg

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      • panzerclose.jpg

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      • objective1.jpg

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      • objective.jpg

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      • hq.jpg

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      • artillery.jpg

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      • infantry1.jpg

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      • spotters.jpg

        426,66 kB, 1.024×633, 187 mal angesehen
      • fow.jpg

        237,28 kB, 1.024×488, 239 mal angesehen
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      You know where to go with a dot com!