Season XXXIV - Spieltag 4 (17.11. - 07.12.)

      Season XXXIV - Spieltag 4 (17.11. - 07.12.)

      Runde 4 (17.11.-07.12.)

      Division Abstrakt
      No Block No Rock (Zweifler) vs Old Stars (guardons)
      Villains & HerOrcs (Lunatic_Machine) vs Dûr-las Khowboys (Tok_Janne)
      They are dead, Jim! (Ryder) vs Lustria Lizards (Stephan1081)
      Sargfabrik (Kruzhnash) vs Glamourwood Sparklers (Nugo)

      Division Bizarr
      [BBAA] bone to be wild (bamfuzi) vs Smoerebroed Smugglers (outcaarst)
      Naughty Nautical Northmen (Shizo.1st) vs Creedence Chaos Revival (borgor)
      Rock'n Roll is not dead (Smaug) vs 4 mummies of the nufflepocalypse (shlominus)
      Har Ganeth Widowmakers (Tùrin) vs Blackhills Bravehearts (derfels)

      Satzberg-Katzen (spitsens) vs The Moods Of Thunder (Mr.Bombardi)
      "Know the rules, rule the game"

      Schnitzelbowl VII - Most Touchdowns (Ein Quantum Frost - Wood Elves)
      Sieger BBAA Saison 2013/2014 (Montezumas Rächer - Lizardmen)
      Zweiter BBAA Saison 2019/2020 (Cyrill Crusaders - Bretonian)

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von „outcaarst“ ()


      Wir haben die Ehre in der nächsten runde :)

      Wann hättest denn Zeit für unser Spielchen?
      Wie wäre es nächste Woche Mittwoch im Club?

      LG Michael
      Murphy´s Law:
      Was schief gehen kann geht schief.
      Wenn du einen 2+ Rüstungswurf hast, wirfst du mit Sicherheit eine 1!

      WHFB: fast alles :)
      WaMa/Hordes: Circle/Skorne/Khador
      BloodBowl: zu viele
      Hi.. klingt super für mich. :)
      Bin schon gespannt auf Old World... da hatte ich bisher noch nie das vergnügen. ;)
      Murphy´s Law:
      Was schief gehen kann geht schief.
      Wenn du einen 2+ Rüstungswurf hast, wirfst du mit Sicherheit eine 1!

      WHFB: fast alles :)
      WaMa/Hordes: Circle/Skorne/Khador
      BloodBowl: zu viele
      @Tok_Janne We meet in round 4. :)
      Unforunately, my schedule is quite packed until mid of December. :/
      I can offer you the following dates for our game:

      (01.12. might also be possible for me)
      (08.12. technically past the deadline but Carsten might allow it)

      Usually, I can be at the club at 16:00 and even earlier on 08.12.

      Do any of these dates suit you?

      Season XXXIV - Spieltag 4 (17.11. - 07.12.)

      Verspäte mich etwas sorry. Ca 30-45 min

      Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
      Murphy´s Law:
      Was schief gehen kann geht schief.
      Wenn du einen 2+ Rüstungswurf hast, wirfst du mit Sicherheit eine 1!

      WHFB: fast alles :)
      WaMa/Hordes: Circle/Skorne/Khador
      BloodBowl: zu viele
      @'Tùrin: am Freitag kann ich nicht. Sonntag 27. 11 nachmittags? Oder 4.12. (2. bzw. 3. gehen nicht) :hi:
      "Speer wird zerschellen, Schild zersplittern!
      Ein Schwert-Tag, ein Blut-Tag, ehe die Sonne steigt!
      Reitet nun, zur Vernichtung und zum Ende der Welt."
      König Theoden, Herr der Ringe - Evangelium
      Not the best evening for my Norse. But writing reports not only if I win. :)

      So in Short 2:1 for the old world team and 6:1 CAS for old world.. sums it up pretty good.

      Norse starting in the offense, pushing some players around and taking the ball.. same on the other side.
      In turn 2 one of my berserker managed to inflict a CAS on the halfling (MNG - APO later BH)

      In Turn 3 of Old world then it all starts, A Foul (first of 7) on my Ulf resulted in a CAS (AV-1).... great, the second Valkyr got a KO and two Linemen were Stunned.
      So I decided to move the Ballcarrier to the front (almost save space) supported by a Berserker, and last Block with the Yheti against a dwarf without block resulted in the yheti being KO and the dwarf staying on the field.. :)
      The Ballcarrier was marked with the Catcher by the humans and another player went KO (Berserker).

      So at that moment i was 5 Players down and decided to score, So i blitzed the Catcher and moved him away from the Valkyre and scored directly in Turn 4.
      Of my three KO players none came back. So it is 6 Players (no Yheti, no ulf) Against a full team... well not so good.

      Turn 4 started with a CAS against one of my Loners (=dead)... at least a Journeyman.
      The ball was carried to the front and secured. In my turn8 (four players on the pitch), he forgot about jump up, so i managed to get a blitz on the ballcarrier, but only a push with no reroll available.

      Halftime, two KO coming back, Yheti staying out.... so no returning of the Yheti.

      At that time i still got 8 players to field.
      Turn 1 of 2nd Halftime KickOff result ist Biased Ref, so now a chance for me, the Only player that is completely irrelevant a lone Dwarf gets hit and Stunned. Dircvetly after that a CAS against one of my lineman (-1 PA)... and another KO for a Lineman. Ball was taken. I try to block but no real result. In turn 2 another CAS, this time the Beer Board (BH). And a foul against The new Valkyre resulting in a MNG. I am mentioning only the successful Fouls... as there were 7 in Total and never seen by the ref...
      I tried to play normal, but with three players on the field in Turn 3 three KO and 5 Players in the CAS Box it is hard to focus. :)

      He decided to not score in turn 4 and went for th eBlocks I decided to either stay on the group or dodge away so only onle blitz can be thrown... In turn 8 then the TD.
      So last chance for some SPP, my Turn 8 and i set up for some blocks at least (1 Lineman, 2 Blitzers and a Valkyre). Kick Off result .. Blitz
      The treeman Blitzes(!) and inflicts a CAS against a Journeyman.. Dead. I manage to push two Players and the game ends...

      Well i had such games on the other side, so no problem. :)
      Fun fact is that old world didn´t need any of their Rerolls throughout the complete game.

      Next game, hopefully i have better luck.
      Murphy´s Law:
      Was schief gehen kann geht schief.
      Wenn du einen 2+ Rüstungswurf hast, wirfst du mit Sicherheit eine 1!

      WHFB: fast alles :)
      WaMa/Hordes: Circle/Skorne/Khador
      BloodBowl: zu viele

      Asmodai schrieb:

      @Tok_Janne We meet in round 4. :)
      Unforunately, my schedule is quite packed until mid of December. :/
      I can offer you the following dates for our game:

      (01.12. might also be possible for me)
      (08.12. technically past the deadline but Carsten might allow it)

      Usually, I can be at the club at 16:00 and even earlier on 08.12.

      Do any of these dates suit you?

      I think 30th of November would fit me best out of those dates. What time do you want to meet?

      DerFels schrieb:

      @'Tùrin: am Freitag kann ich nicht. Sonntag 27. 11 nachmittags? Oder 4.12. (2. bzw. 3. gehen nicht)

      Der Fels und ich spielen am 4.12. am frühen Nachmittag.
      primär historisches in 15mm (Schottland so weit das Auge reicht)
      in FOG terms: Swordsman, Bow*
      langsamer Maler

      WoW/Keepers-Altpräsident und für die Idee begeistert, eine Carrerabahn im ganzen Clublokal zu installieren

      Mr.Bombardi schrieb:

      Dürfen wir davon ausgehen, dass am Mittwoch den 07.12. jemand im Club ist?

      mittwochs ist eigentlich immer wer da, oder?
      "Know the rules, rule the game"

      Schnitzelbowl VII - Most Touchdowns (Ein Quantum Frost - Wood Elves)
      Sieger BBAA Saison 2013/2014 (Montezumas Rächer - Lizardmen)
      Zweiter BBAA Saison 2019/2020 (Cyrill Crusaders - Bretonian)